Tommy and Friends' Global Adventures" is a captivating series of rhyming narratives that transport young readers around the world. In each chapter, a child introduces their city's unique landmarks and cultural highlights. Chapter 1 features Tommy in New York City, showcasing iconic sights like the Empire State Building and Times Square, along with the city's fast-paced life and famous pizza. Sally in San Francisco introduces the Golden Gate Bridge and cable cars, while Manny in Miami shares the city's vibrant beaches and nightlife. Each chapter is a 30-line poem, filled with fun and educational content, making it an enjoyable read for both children and adults. The series continues with characters like Tina in Tokyo, Peter in Paris, Emily in Sydney, and others, each bringing their city to life through engaging and whimsical rhymes. This delightful journey through major cities offers a blend of entertainment and learning, ideal for first graders and those seeking a poetic tour of the world's wonders